Key Stages 1 and 2


Our photography workshops within the school day are designed to provide children with a photography perspective on subjects being taught within the curriculum framework. We’re currently working alongside teachers across year groups EYFS to six.


Consultation with head teachers and heads of year staff precede us producing detailed lesson plans including learning objectives, equipment requirements, teaching methods and learning outcomes.


The sessions are all designed around the children using the school’s iPads/tablet devices or cameras. As such, staff can rest assured that Education in Focus has no access to the photographs taken during its workshops.


Some of the subjects in which we’ve provided photography participation include science (Forest School flora; habitats; healthy eating; shadows; the three states of matter), history (ancient Greece; the Victorians; the Anglo Saxons & Vikings) and creative arts (painting with light; industry; branded packaging).


For E-safety week, we’ve delivered photography workshops designed to alert children to the dangers of internet ‘chat-rooms’ and make them aware of the uncertainty of their correspondent’s true identity.


Our ‘Mathematics in Focus’ workshops are designed to link photography, ICT and literacy with observational mathematics; including quantities, shapes and problem solving.






Delivering photography workshops across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359 or 07580 136641


About Us

Photography and Imaging Services

Early Years Foundation Stage

Key Stages
1 and 2

Key Stages 3
and above

Staff INSET Days

Holiday Clubs

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This website and its content is copyright of Education in Focus - © Education in Focus 2018. To view our Privacy Policy please click here.

Key Stages 1 and 2


Delivering photography workshops
across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359

or 07580 136641

Delivering photography workshops
across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359

or 07580 136641

Delivering photography workshops
across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359

or 07580 136641

Our photography workshops within the school day are designed to provide children with a photography perspective on subjects being taught within the curriculum framework. We’re currently working alongside teachers across year groups EYFS to six.


Consultation with head teachers and heads of year staff precede us producing detailed lesson plans including learning objectives, equipment requirements, teaching methods and learning outcomes.


The sessions are all designed around the children using the school’s iPads/tablet devices or cameras. As such, staff can rest assured that Education in Focus has no access to the photographs taken during its workshops.


Some of the subjects in which we’ve provided photography participation include science (Forest School flora; habitats; healthy eating; shadows; the three states of matter), history (ancient Greece; the Victorians; the Anglo Saxons & Vikings) and creative arts (painting with light; industry; branded packaging).


For E-safety week, we’ve delivered photography workshops designed to alert children to the dangers of internet ‘chat-rooms’ and make them aware of the uncertainty of their correspondent’s true identity.


Our ‘Mathematics in Focus’ workshops are designed to link photography, ICT and literacy with observational mathematics; including quantities, shapes and problem solving.






Delivering photography workshops
across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359

or 07580 136641

Delivering photography workshops
across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359

or 07580 136641

Delivering photography workshops
across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359

or 07580 136641

This website and its content is copyright of Education in Focus - © Education in Focus 2018. To view our Privacy Policy please click here.

Delivering photography workshops
across all education key stages


 Contact: Mike Jones on 01527 574359

or 07580 136641

Key Stages

1 and 2


Our photography workshops within the school day are designed to provide children with a photography perspective on subjects being taught within the curriculum framework. We’re currently working alongside teachers across year groups EYFS to six.


Consultation with head teachers and heads of year staff precede us producing detailed lesson plans including learning objectives, equipment requirements, teaching methods and learning outcomes.


The sessions are all designed around the children using the school’s iPads/tablet devices or cameras. As such, staff can rest assured that Education in Focus has no access to the photographs taken during its workshops.


Some of the subjects in which we’ve provided photography participation include science (Forest School flora; habitats; healthy eating; shadows; the three states of matter), history (ancient Greece; the Victorians; the Anglo Saxons & Vikings) and creative arts (painting with light; industry; branded packaging).


For E-safety week, we’ve delivered photography workshops designed to alert children to the dangers of internet ‘chat-rooms’ and make them aware of the uncertainty of their correspondent’s true identity.


Our ‘Mathematics in Focus’ workshops are designed to link photography, ICT and literacy with observational mathematics; including quantities, shapes and problem solving.






This website and its content is copyright of Education in Focus - © Education in Focus 2018. To view our Privacy Policy please click here.